Exercises for Incontinence

Take the next step in your incontinence journey (cue the Rocky montage music) with this set of more advanced exercises.

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This video is a progression of the exercises assigned in Phase 1. This video is for those who have mastered the first phase of exercises and feel comfortable progressing those movements. These exercises will be a bit more advanced, but with the goal of pursuing exercises that will become a bit more functional.

Be prepared to do with following:

  • Bridges
  • Clamshells
  • Toe taps
  • Squats
  • Lunges

Up next

Series episodes

Introduction & Overview of Overactive Pelvic Floor Muscles
Introduction & Overview of Overactive Pelvic Floor Muscles
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Incontinence
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Incontinence
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Prolapse
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Prolapse
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Pelvic Pain
Overactive Pelvic Floor and Pelvic Pain
Foundational Exercises for Incontinence
Foundational Exercises for Incontinence
Exercises for Incontinence
Exercises for Incontinence