Hip and Core Strengthening Exercises for Stress Urinary Incontinence

A series of hip and core strengthening exercises to help improve strength of core muscles to help decreased urinary leakage related to weakness.

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A series of hip and core strengthening exercises to help improve strength of core muscles to help decreased urinary leakage related to weakness. Exercises in this video include:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Pelvic clocks
  • How to find neutral spine using pelvic tilts
  • TA activation
  • Bridges
  • Adductor squeezes 3-4s holds x10
  • Knee fall outs  x10
  • Supine arms 3-4s holds x10
  • Side-lying leg lifts x10 bilaterally
  • Cat/cow 5-10x
  • Hover planks 3-4s holds x10
  • Child’s pose 30s
  • Bird dog warm up with single arm raise x10 bilaterally

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Series episodes

Post-Pee Dribbles
Post-Pee Dribbles
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Knee Pushes for Urinary Urgency and Frequency
Knee Pushes for Urinary Urgency and Frequency
Hip and Core Strengthening Exercises for Stress Urinary Incontinence
Hip and Core Strengthening Exercises for Stress Urinary Incontinence
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